+7(916)659-68-45 / +7(495)605-26-73
123022 Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 14A

3D mapping show is visual illusions that amaze the imagination, unusual colors and chic music.
The technology makes it possible to create a 3D model of an object on which it is planned to project, after which the "corrected" 3D image of the object is projected onto the real object, which gives the illusion of changing the object itself. The end result is a sumptuous, breathtaking installation that – rest assured – will be remembered for a long time by everyone who has seen the show.
3D mapping creates limitless possibilities for creativity on absolutely any surface. Moreover, lately 3D mapping is increasingly becoming the "highlight of the program" at major corporate events, city days, opening of new shopping and entertainment centers and cultural and historical sites.
The content for each event is created according to an individual project, which allows you to emphasize the most beneficial aspects of the product or support the necessary theme of the event
The design and preparation of the building for 3D mapping is also an important task solved by the TriPlan communication group with the help of a professional team and special films tested by projection to cover the windows and turn the glass into a perfect screen.
• building
• automobile
• decoration on the stage of the event
• part of the exhibition stand
• presentation of new products
• Exhibitions
• building branding
• registration of city and municipal events
• promo tours
• development of a project for a building or facility
• writing a script and creating a video installation
• installation of projection equipment and holding an event