+7(916)659-68-45 / +7(495)605-26-73
123022 Moscow, st. Rochdelskaya, 14A
Triplan communication group was founded in 1999 and provides a full range of services for partners and customers based on modern communication and multimedia technologies. Triplan communication group specializes in organizing of large scale events, innovative projects, temporary and permanent installations, providing a full cycle of advertising services.
Best event for youth 2015 “Scarlet Sails 2015 multimedia show”
"Events 2014" - nominant of best multimedia video "Vlivaysya" Sochi 2014
"Brand of the Year EFFIE 2012" in the category "Entertainment Industry"
"EVENT OF THE YEAR" award in the "EVENTS 2012" for "Circle of Light 2012" - GRAND PRIX
"City Event of the Year" award in the "EVENTS 2012" for "Circle of Light 2012"
"Brand of the Year EFFIE 2011" in the category "Entertainment Industry"
"Festival of the Year" prize "events of 2011" for "Circle of Light 2011"
Winner of the "Advertising Design Russia" (2008), nominated for "creative", Brand Tri-Plan
The winner of the 4th Int. Competition outdoor advertising "sign" - "Commercial facade" (2006)
Winner of Night Life Awards for the show Go-Play, brand Ballantine's, 2004
Author of BTL mechanics for Luxury products of the premium segment, 2004
The owner of a patent for utility model of the mechanism of promotions 2003
Winner of multiple awards and honorary diplomas of the Government of Moscow "for the organization and carrying out of a series of international tournaments in ballroom dancing in Moscow"